This is the home page of Html2Wml, hosted by SourceForge.net.
Html2Wml is a Perl program that converts HTML documents to WML decks, i.e. documents that are viewable on a Wap device.
What's new
2004.05.16 - Chris Flanigan is now offering a new online demonstration site at http://wap.chrisf.org/html2wml.php.
2003.10.26 - Html2Wml v0.4.11 is available from SourceForge and from my web site. You can read the announce here.
2003.02.24 - Updated the links and download sections to reflect MobiliX's name change to TuxMobil. Check this page for more information.
2003.02.14 - Html2Wml v0.4.11b2 is available on my web site.
2003.01.23 - A new demo site has been set up. Go to the demo page for more information.
2002.11.27 - Html2Wml v0.4.10 is available from SourceForge and from my web site. You can read the announce here.